Simple CLI tool to list all globals registered with Wayland.

Updated 2 weeks ago

WORK IN PROGRESS - dysfunctional & ugly.

Updated 3 weeks ago

A simple fullscreen screenshotting tool for Wayland.

Updated 3 weeks ago

The Raw Image Format

Updated 3 weeks ago

A text status bar. Unix-style.

Updated 2 months ago

A small commented implementation of Perlin noise in pure C#. Based on

Updated 2 months ago

Updated 4 months ago

A basic hello world Vulkan application as a single C file and 2 shader files.

Updated 5 months ago

Opinionated low-level Rust bindings for Vulkan

Updated 6 months ago

Updated 8 months ago

Updated 8 months ago

Simple privilege escalator written in Zig

Updated 10 months ago

A Matrix client for the ZMX (ZMatrix) collection of Matrix software. Part of the Zaps project.

Updated 12 months ago

A collection of Lua bindings for various time-related C functions

Updated 2 years ago