@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for Type {
pub fn parse_type(typ: String) -> Type {
pub fn parse_type(typ: &String) -> Type {
// pointers have the format *<t>i or *<t>o, for the storage class
// floats have the format f<size>, so f32, f64...
// ints have the format s<size>, so s32, s64...
@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ pub fn parse_type(typ: String) -> Type {
_ => panic!("Invalid storage class"),
let typ = typ.chars().take(typ.len() - 1).collect::<String>();
Type::Pointer(Box::new(parse_type(typ)), storage_class)
Type::Pointer(Box::new(parse_type(&typ)), storage_class)
'v' => {
let mut chars = typ.chars();
let size = chars.next().unwrap().to_digit(10).unwrap();
let typ = chars.collect::<String>();
Type::Vector(Box::new(parse_type(typ)), size)
Type::Vector(Box::new(parse_type(&typ)), size)
'f' => {
let size = typ.chars().skip(1).collect::<String>().parse().unwrap();
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ pub fn parse_type(typ: String) -> Type {
fn emit_type(typ: Type, ops: &mut Vec<(String, String)>) {
match typ {
match &typ {
Type::Unsigned(size) => {
ops.push((format!("%u{}", size).to_string(), format!("OpTypeInt {}", size)));
@ -91,26 +91,34 @@ fn emit_type(typ: Type, ops: &mut Vec<(String, String)>) {
Type::Float(size) => {
ops.push((format!("%f{}", size).to_string(), format!("OpTypeFloat {}", size)));
Type::Vector(typ, size) => {
emit_type(*typ.clone(), ops);
let typ_id = format!("%{}", *typ.clone());
ops.push((format!("%v{}{}", typ_id, size).to_string(), format!("OpTypeVector {} {}", typ_id, size)))
Type::Vector(in_typ, size) => {
emit_type(*in_typ.clone(), ops);
ops.push((fix_name(&typ.to_string()), format!("OpTypeVector {} {}", fix_name(&in_typ.clone().to_string()), size)))
Type::Pointer(typ, storage_class) => {
emit_type(*typ.clone(), ops);
let typ_id = format!("%{}", *typ.clone());
Type::Pointer(in_typ, storage_class) => {
emit_type(*in_typ.clone(), ops);
let typ_id = fix_name(&typ.to_string());
let storage_class = match storage_class {
StorageClass::Input => "Input",
StorageClass::Output => "Output",
StorageClass::Undefined => panic!("Bound a non-declared variable"),
ops.push((format!("%{}{}", typ_id, storage_class).to_string(), format!("OpTypePointer {} {}", storage_class, typ_id)))
ops.push((typ_id, format!("OpTypePointer {} {}", storage_class, fix_name(&in_typ.to_string()))))
fn fix_name(name: &String) -> String {
format!("%{}", name.clone().replace("-", "_"))
format!("%{}", name.clone().replace("-", "_").replace("*", "p"))
fn has_id(name: String, ops: &Vec<(Option<String>, Vec<String>)>) -> bool {
for op in ops {
if op.0.is_some() && op.0.clone().unwrap() == name {
return true;
pub fn spirv_meta(module: Module) -> String {
@ -162,13 +170,15 @@ pub fn spirv_meta(module: Module) -> String {
crate::compiler::StorageClass::Output => "Output",
crate::compiler::StorageClass::Undefined => panic!("Bound a non-declared variable"),
let typ_id = format!("%{}", _typ);
let mut type_ops = Vec::new();
emit_type(parse_type(_typ), &mut type_ops);
emit_type(parse_type(&_typ), &mut type_ops);
for op in type_ops {
if has_id(op.0.clone(), &ops) {
ops.push((Some(op.0), vec![op.1]));
ops.push((Some(name.clone()), vec!["OpVariable".to_string(), typ_id.to_string(), storage_class.to_string()]));
ops.push((Some(name.clone()), vec!["OpVariable".to_string(), fix_name(&_typ), storage_class.to_string()]));
for dec in global.decorations {
// Decorations have the format Location 0, or Builtin FragCoord
let dec = match dec {