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use std::{ffi::OsString, os::fd::{AsRawFd, OwnedFd}};
use crate::uapi::i915::DrmGemHandle;
use super::super::uapi;
use std::path::Path;
use std::fs::File;
pub use uapi::i915::GemIoctlError;
pub struct DrmDeviceNode {
pub fd: OwnedFd,
pub path: Option<OsString>,
pub struct GemHandle<'a> {
pub handle: DrmGemHandle,
pub node: &'a DrmDeviceNode,
/// An owned GEM handle that will be closed when dropped
impl GemHandle<'_> {
pub fn new(node: &DrmDeviceNode, size: u64) -> Option<GemHandle> {
uapi::i915::make_gem(node.fd.as_raw_fd(), size).map(|handle| GemHandle {
handle: handle,
node: &node,
pub fn from_handle(node: &DrmDeviceNode, handle: DrmGemHandle) -> Result<GemHandle, GemIoctlError> {
// Avoid invoking GemHandle::is_valid() here to prevent the drop() method from trying to drop an invalid handle
let is_valid = uapi::i915::gem_is_valid(node.fd.as_raw_fd(), &handle);
if is_valid.is_ok() && is_valid.unwrap() {
let res = GemHandle {
handle: handle,
node: &node,
return Ok(res);
} else {
return Err(is_valid.err().unwrap_or(GemIoctlError::InvalidHandle));
pub fn close(self) -> Result<(), i32> {
return unsafe { uapi::i915::close_gem_ref(self.node.fd.as_raw_fd(), &self.handle) };
pub fn has_tiling(&self) -> Result<bool, uapi::i915::GemIoctlError> {
uapi::i915::gem_has_tiling(self.node.fd.as_raw_fd(), &self.handle)
pub fn is_valid(&self) -> Result<bool, GemIoctlError> {
uapi::i915::gem_is_valid(self.node.fd.as_raw_fd(), &self.handle)
impl Drop for GemHandle<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Ignoring the close failing as an invalid Gem handle's drop is a no-op
_ = unsafe { uapi::i915::close_gem_ref(self.node.fd.as_raw_fd(), &self.handle) };
pub struct Device {
pub node: DrmDeviceNode,
pub driver: uapi::DrmVersion,
pub struct Engine {
pub info: uapi::i915::EngineInfo,
pub fn find_device() -> Option<Device> {
uapi::i915::find_node().and_then(|file| Device::from_path(file.path?))
impl Device {
pub fn from_fd(fd: OwnedFd) -> Option<Device> {
let driver = uapi::get_drm_version(fd.as_raw_fd())?;
Some(Device {
node: DrmDeviceNode {
fd: fd,
path: None,
driver: driver,
pub fn from_path(path: OsString) -> Option<Device> {
let file = File::open(Path::new(&path)).ok()?;
let driver = uapi::get_drm_version(file.as_raw_fd())?;
Some(Device {
node: DrmDeviceNode {
fd: OwnedFd::from(file),
path: Some(path),
driver: driver,
pub fn get_engines(&self) -> Option<Vec<Engine>> {
uapi::i915::get_engines(self.node.fd.as_raw_fd()).map(|engines| {
engines.into_iter().map(|engine_info| {
Engine {
info: engine_info,
pub fn get_param(&self, param: u32) -> Option<i32> {
uapi::i915::get_param(self.node.fd.as_raw_fd(), param as i32)