When resetting the keyboard during reload, disarm the key repeat on all
keyboards since the bindings (and possibly keyboard) will be freed before
the key repeat can go off.
Now 'repeat_delay' and 'repeat_rate' control the initial delay
and rate (per second) of repeated binding invocations.
If the repeat delay is zero, binding repetition is disabled.
When the repeat rate is zero, the binding is repeated exactly
once, assuming no other key events intervene.
Each sway_keyboard is provided with a wayland timer event source.
When a valid keypress binding has been found, a callback to
handle_keyboard_repeat is set. Any key event will either clear
the callback or (if the new key event is a valid keypress binding)
delay the callback again.
* Ensure that modifier keys are identified even when the next key does
not produce a keysym. This requires that modifier change tracking
be done for each sway_shortcut_state.
* Permit regular and --release shortcuts on the same key combination.
Distinct bindings are identified for press and release cases; note
that the release binding needs to be identified for both key press
and key release events.
* Maintain ascending sort order for the shortcut state list, and keep
track of the number of pressed key ids, for simpler (and hence
faster) searching of the list of key bindings.
* Move binding duplicate detection into get_active_binding to avoid
duplicating error messages.
The same shortcut algorithm is now used for keycodes,
raw keysyms, and translated keysyms. Pressed keysyms
are now stored in association with the keycodes that
generated them. Modifier keycodes (and associated
keysyms) are identified retroactively by the subsequent
change to the modifier flags.