updated manpage

minus 10 years ago
parent ca89ba83a8
commit c3737e80ba

@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ Commands
**move** <left|right|up|down>::
Moves the focused container _left_, _right_, _up_, or _down_.
**move** <container|window> to workspace <name>::
Moves the focused container to the workspace identified by _name_.
_name_ may be a special workspace name. See **workspace**.
**output** <name> <resolution|res WIDTHxHEIGHT> <position|pos X,Y>::
Configures the specified output. It will use the given resolution and be
arranged at the given position in the layout tree. You may omit either of
@ -111,6 +115,10 @@ Commands
**workspace** <name>::
Switches to the specified workspace.
**workspace** <prev|next>::
Switches to the next workspace on the current output or on the next output
if currently on the last workspace.
**workspace** <prev_on_output|next_on_output>::
Switches to the next workspace on the current output.
