@ -495,7 +495,45 @@ struct sway_keyboard *sway_keyboard_create(struct sway_seat *seat,
return keyboard ;
struct xkb_keymap * sway_keyboard_compile_keymap ( struct input_config * ic ) {
static void handle_xkb_context_log ( struct xkb_context * context ,
enum xkb_log_level level , const char * format , va_list args ) {
va_list args_copy ;
va_copy ( args_copy , args ) ;
size_t length = vsnprintf ( NULL , 0 , format , args_copy ) + 1 ;
va_end ( args_copy ) ;
char * error = malloc ( length ) ;
if ( ! error ) {
sway_log ( SWAY_ERROR , " Failed to allocate libxkbcommon log message " ) ;
return ;
va_copy ( args_copy , args ) ;
vsnprintf ( error , length , format , args_copy ) ;
va_end ( args_copy ) ;
if ( error [ length - 2 ] = = ' \n ' ) {
error [ length - 2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
sway_log_importance_t importance = SWAY_DEBUG ;
if ( level < = XKB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR ) { // Critical and Error
importance = SWAY_ERROR ;
} else if ( level < = XKB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO ) { // Warning and Info
importance = SWAY_INFO ;
sway_log ( importance , " [xkbcommon] %s " , error ) ;
char * * data = xkb_context_get_user_data ( context ) ;
if ( importance = = SWAY_ERROR & & data & & ! * data ) {
* data = error ;
} else {
free ( error ) ;
struct xkb_keymap * sway_keyboard_compile_keymap ( struct input_config * ic ,
char * * error ) {
struct xkb_rule_names rules = { 0 } ;
if ( ic ) {
input_config_fill_rule_names ( ic , & rules ) ;
@ -505,9 +543,12 @@ struct xkb_keymap *sway_keyboard_compile_keymap(struct input_config *ic) {
if ( ! sway_assert ( context , " cannot create XKB context " ) ) {
return NULL ;
xkb_context_set_user_data ( context , error ) ;
xkb_context_set_log_fn ( context , handle_xkb_context_log ) ;
struct xkb_keymap * keymap =
xkb_keymap_new_from_names ( context , & rules , XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS ) ;
xkb_context_set_user_data ( context , NULL ) ;
xkb_context_unref ( context ) ;
return keymap ;
@ -518,10 +559,10 @@ void sway_keyboard_configure(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard) {
struct wlr_input_device * wlr_device =
keyboard - > seat_device - > input_device - > wlr_device ;
struct xkb_keymap * keymap = sway_keyboard_compile_keymap ( input_config );
struct xkb_keymap * keymap = sway_keyboard_compile_keymap ( input_config , NULL );
if ( ! keymap ) {
sway_log ( SWAY_ERROR , " Failed to compile keymap. Attempting defaults " ) ;
keymap = sway_keyboard_compile_keymap ( NULL );
keymap = sway_keyboard_compile_keymap ( NULL , NULL );
if ( ! keymap ) {
sway_log ( SWAY_ERROR ,
" Failed to compile default keymap. Aborting configure " ) ;