@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ char *output, *status_command;
struct registry *registry;
struct window *window;
bool dirty = true;
typedef enum {UNDEF, TEXT, I3BAR} command_protocol;
command_protocol protocol = UNDEF;
struct colors colors = {
.background = 0x000000FF,
@ -100,6 +102,20 @@ struct colors colors = {
#define I3JSON_UNKNOWN 0
#define I3JSON_ARRAY 1
#define I3JSON_STRING 2
struct {
int bufsize;
char *buffer;
char *line_start;
bool escape;
int depth;
int state[I3JSON_MAXDEPTH+1];
} i3json_state = { 0, NULL, NULL, false, 0, { I3JSON_UNKNOWN } };
void swaybar_teardown() {
if (registry) {
@ -126,7 +142,6 @@ void swaybar_teardown() {
void sway_terminate(void) {
@ -375,10 +390,14 @@ void render() {
cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, colors.statusline);
int width, height;
if (status_line) {
if (protocol == TEXT) {
get_text_size(window, &width, &height, "%s", line);
cairo_move_to(window->cairo, window->width - margin - width, margin);
pango_printf(window, "%s", line);
} else if (protocol == I3BAR && status_line) {
int i;
int moved = 0;
for ( i = status_line->length - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
for (i = status_line->length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
struct status_block *block = status_line->items[i];
if (block->full_text) {
get_text_size(window, &width, &height, "%s", block->full_text);
@ -539,6 +558,81 @@ void parse_json(const char *text) {
int i3json_handle(FILE *file) {
char *c;
int handled = 0;
// handle partially buffered data
// make sure 1023+1 bytes at the end are free
if (i3json_state.line_start) {
int len = strlen(i3json_state.line_start);
memmove(i3json_state.buffer, i3json_state.line_start, len+1);
if (i3json_state.bufsize < len+1024) {
i3json_state.bufsize += 1024;
i3json_state.buffer = realloc(i3json_state.buffer, i3json_state.bufsize);
c = i3json_state.buffer+len;
i3json_state.line_start = i3json_state.buffer;
} else if (!i3json_state.buffer) {
i3json_state.buffer = malloc(1024);
i3json_state.bufsize = 1024;
c = i3json_state.buffer;
} else {
c = i3json_state.buffer;
if (!i3json_state.buffer) {
sway_abort("Could not allocate buffer.");
// get fresh data at the end of the buffer
if (!fgets(c, 1023, file)) return -1;
c[1023] = '\0';
while (*c) {
if (i3json_state.state[i3json_state.depth] == I3JSON_STRING) {
if (!i3json_state.escape && *c == '"') {
i3json_state.escape = !i3json_state.escape && *c == '\\';
} else {
switch (*c) {
case '[':
if (i3json_state.depth > I3JSON_MAXDEPTH) {
sway_abort("JSON too deep");
i3json_state.state[i3json_state.depth] = I3JSON_ARRAY;
if (i3json_state.depth == 2) {
i3json_state.line_start = c;
case ']':
if (i3json_state.state[i3json_state.depth] != I3JSON_ARRAY) {
sway_abort("JSON malformed");
if (i3json_state.depth == 1) {
ssize_t len = c-i3json_state.line_start+1;
char p = c[len];
c[len] = '\0';
c[len] = p;
i3json_state.line_start = c+1;
case '"':
if (i3json_state.depth > I3JSON_MAXDEPTH) {
sway_abort("JSON too deep");
i3json_state.state[i3json_state.depth] = I3JSON_STRING;
return handled;
void poll_for_update() {
fd_set readfds;
int activity;
@ -574,17 +668,43 @@ void poll_for_update() {
if (status_command && FD_ISSET(pipefd[0], &readfds)) {
sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Got update from status command.");
fgets(line, sizeof(line), command);
sway_log(L_DEBUG, "zzz %s", line);
int l = strlen(line) - 1;
if (line[l] == '\n') {
line[l] = '\0';
int linelen;
switch (protocol) {
case I3BAR:
sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Got i3bar protocol.");
if (i3json_handle(command) > 0) {
dirty = true;
case TEXT:
case UNDEF:
sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Got text protocol.");
fgets(line, sizeof(line), command);
linelen = strlen(line) - 1;
if (line[linelen] == '\n') {
line[linelen] = '\0';
dirty = true;
if (protocol == UNDEF) {
protocol = TEXT;
if (line[0] == '{') {
// detect i3bar json protocol
json_object *proto = json_tokener_parse(line);
json_object *version;
if (proto) {
if (json_object_object_get_ex(proto, "version", &version)
&& json_object_get_int(version) == 1
) {
sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Switched to i3bar protocol.");
protocol = I3BAR;
line[0] = '\0';
if (line[0] == ',') {
line[0] = ' ';
dirty = true;
@ -681,6 +801,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
command = fdopen(pipefd[0], "r");
setbuf(command, NULL);
line[0] = '\0';