@ -192,9 +192,6 @@ static bool handle_pointer_motion(wlc_handle view, uint32_t time, const struct w
swayc_t *c = find_container(&root_container, pointer_test, (void *)origin);
swayc_t *focused = get_focused_container(&root_container);
if (c && c != focused) {
sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Mouse pointer at X: %d, Y: %d", origin->x, origin->y);
sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Container to focus on is at X: %d, Y: %d, with W: %d, H: %d", c->x, c->y, c->width, c->height);
sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Focused container is at X: %d, Y: %d, with W: %d, H: %d", c->x, c->y, c->width, c->height);
sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Switching focus to %p", c);