#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "backend/x11.h" #include "util/signal.h" static void send_key_event(struct wlr_x11_backend *x11, uint32_t key, enum wl_keyboard_key_state st, xcb_timestamp_t time) { struct wlr_event_keyboard_key ev = { .time_msec = time, .keycode = key, .state = st, .update_state = true, }; wlr_keyboard_notify_key(&x11->keyboard, &ev); } static void send_button_event(struct wlr_x11_output *output, uint32_t key, enum wlr_button_state st, xcb_timestamp_t time) { struct wlr_event_pointer_button ev = { .device = &output->pointer.base, .time_msec = time, .button = key, .state = st, }; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->pointer.events.button, &ev); wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->pointer.events.frame, &output->pointer); } static void send_axis_event(struct wlr_x11_output *output, int32_t delta, xcb_timestamp_t time) { struct wlr_event_pointer_axis ev = { .device = &output->pointer.base, .time_msec = time, .source = WLR_AXIS_SOURCE_WHEEL, .orientation = WLR_AXIS_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, // 15 is a typical value libinput sends for one scroll .delta = delta * 15, .delta_discrete = delta, }; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->pointer.events.axis, &ev); wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->pointer.events.frame, &output->pointer); } static void send_pointer_position_event(struct wlr_x11_output *output, int16_t x, int16_t y, xcb_timestamp_t time) { struct wlr_event_pointer_motion_absolute ev = { .device = &output->pointer.base, .time_msec = time, .x = (double)x / output->wlr_output.width, .y = (double)y / output->wlr_output.height, }; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->pointer.events.motion_absolute, &ev); wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->pointer.events.frame, &output->pointer); } static void send_touch_down_event(struct wlr_x11_output *output, int16_t x, int16_t y, int32_t touch_id, xcb_timestamp_t time) { struct wlr_event_touch_down ev = { .device = &output->touch.base, .time_msec = time, .x = (double)x / output->wlr_output.width, .y = (double)y / output->wlr_output.height, .touch_id = touch_id, }; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->touch.events.down, &ev); wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->touch.events.frame, NULL); } static void send_touch_motion_event(struct wlr_x11_output *output, int16_t x, int16_t y, int32_t touch_id, xcb_timestamp_t time) { struct wlr_event_touch_motion ev = { .device = &output->touch.base, .time_msec = time, .x = (double)x / output->wlr_output.width, .y = (double)y / output->wlr_output.height, .touch_id = touch_id, }; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->touch.events.motion, &ev); wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->touch.events.frame, NULL); } static void send_touch_up_event(struct wlr_x11_output *output, int32_t touch_id, xcb_timestamp_t time) { struct wlr_event_touch_up ev = { .device = &output->touch.base, .time_msec = time, .touch_id = touch_id, }; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->touch.events.up, &ev); wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->touch.events.frame, NULL); } static struct wlr_x11_touchpoint *get_touchpoint_from_x11_touch_id( struct wlr_x11_output *output, uint32_t id) { struct wlr_x11_touchpoint *touchpoint; wl_list_for_each(touchpoint, &output->touchpoints, link) { if (touchpoint->x11_id == id) { return touchpoint; } } return NULL; } void handle_x11_xinput_event(struct wlr_x11_backend *x11, xcb_ge_generic_event_t *event) { struct wlr_x11_output *output; switch (event->event_type) { case XCB_INPUT_KEY_PRESS: { xcb_input_key_press_event_t *ev = (xcb_input_key_press_event_t *)event; if (ev->flags & XCB_INPUT_KEY_EVENT_FLAGS_KEY_REPEAT) { return; } wlr_keyboard_notify_modifiers(&x11->keyboard, ev->mods.base, ev->mods.latched, ev->mods.locked, ev->mods.effective); send_key_event(x11, ev->detail - 8, WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED, ev->time); x11->time = ev->time; break; } case XCB_INPUT_KEY_RELEASE: { xcb_input_key_release_event_t *ev = (xcb_input_key_release_event_t *)event; wlr_keyboard_notify_modifiers(&x11->keyboard, ev->mods.base, ev->mods.latched, ev->mods.locked, ev->mods.effective); send_key_event(x11, ev->detail - 8, WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED, ev->time); x11->time = ev->time; break; } case XCB_INPUT_BUTTON_PRESS: { xcb_input_button_press_event_t *ev = (xcb_input_button_press_event_t *)event; output = get_x11_output_from_window_id(x11, ev->event); if (!output) { return; } switch (ev->detail) { case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_1: send_button_event(output, BTN_LEFT, WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED, ev->time); break; case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_2: send_button_event(output, BTN_MIDDLE, WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED, ev->time); break; case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_3: send_button_event(output, BTN_RIGHT, WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED, ev->time); break; case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_4: send_axis_event(output, -1, ev->time); break; case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_5: send_axis_event(output, 1, ev->time); break; } x11->time = ev->time; break; } case XCB_INPUT_BUTTON_RELEASE: { xcb_input_button_release_event_t *ev = (xcb_input_button_release_event_t *)event; output = get_x11_output_from_window_id(x11, ev->event); if (!output) { return; } switch (ev->detail) { case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_1: send_button_event(output, BTN_LEFT, WLR_BUTTON_RELEASED, ev->time); break; case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_2: send_button_event(output, BTN_MIDDLE, WLR_BUTTON_RELEASED, ev->time); break; case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_3: send_button_event(output, BTN_RIGHT, WLR_BUTTON_RELEASED, ev->time); break; } x11->time = ev->time; break; } case XCB_INPUT_MOTION: { xcb_input_motion_event_t *ev = (xcb_input_motion_event_t *)event; output = get_x11_output_from_window_id(x11, ev->event); if (!output) { return; } send_pointer_position_event(output, ev->event_x >> 16, ev->event_y >> 16, ev->time); x11->time = ev->time; break; } case XCB_INPUT_TOUCH_BEGIN: { xcb_input_touch_begin_event_t *ev = (xcb_input_touch_begin_event_t *)event; output = get_x11_output_from_window_id(x11, ev->event); if (!output) { return; } int32_t id = 0; if (!wl_list_empty(&output->touchpoints)) { struct wlr_x11_touchpoint *last_touchpoint = wl_container_of( output->touchpoints.next, last_touchpoint, link); id = last_touchpoint->wayland_id + 1; } struct wlr_x11_touchpoint *touchpoint = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_x11_touchpoint)); touchpoint->x11_id = ev->detail; touchpoint->wayland_id = id; wl_list_init(&touchpoint->link); wl_list_insert(&output->touchpoints, &touchpoint->link); send_touch_down_event(output, ev->event_x >> 16, ev->event_y >> 16, touchpoint->wayland_id, ev->time); x11->time = ev->time; break; } case XCB_INPUT_TOUCH_END: { xcb_input_touch_end_event_t *ev = (xcb_input_touch_end_event_t *)event; output = get_x11_output_from_window_id(x11, ev->event); if (!output) { return; } struct wlr_x11_touchpoint *touchpoint = get_touchpoint_from_x11_touch_id(output, ev->detail); if (!touchpoint) { return; } send_touch_up_event(output, touchpoint->wayland_id, ev->time); x11->time = ev->time; wl_list_remove(&touchpoint->link); free(touchpoint); break; } case XCB_INPUT_TOUCH_UPDATE: { xcb_input_touch_update_event_t *ev = (xcb_input_touch_update_event_t *)event; output = get_x11_output_from_window_id(x11, ev->event); if (!output) { return; } struct wlr_x11_touchpoint *touchpoint = get_touchpoint_from_x11_touch_id(output, ev->detail); if (!touchpoint) { return; } send_touch_motion_event(output, ev->event_x >> 16, ev->event_y >> 16, touchpoint->wayland_id, ev->time); x11->time = ev->time; break; } } } static void input_device_destroy(struct wlr_input_device *wlr_device) { // Don't free the input device, it's on the stack } const struct wlr_input_device_impl input_device_impl = { .destroy = input_device_destroy, }; static void keyboard_destroy(struct wlr_keyboard *wlr_keyboard) { // Don't free the keyboard, it's on the stack } const struct wlr_keyboard_impl keyboard_impl = { .destroy = keyboard_destroy, }; static void pointer_destroy(struct wlr_pointer *wlr_pointer) { // Don't free the pointer, it's on the stack } const struct wlr_pointer_impl pointer_impl = { .destroy = pointer_destroy, }; static void touch_destroy(struct wlr_touch *wlr_touch) { // Don't free the touch, it's on the stack } const struct wlr_touch_impl touch_impl = { .destroy = touch_destroy, }; void update_x11_pointer_position(struct wlr_x11_output *output, xcb_timestamp_t time) { struct wlr_x11_backend *x11 = output->x11; xcb_query_pointer_cookie_t cookie = xcb_query_pointer(x11->xcb, output->win); xcb_query_pointer_reply_t *reply = xcb_query_pointer_reply(x11->xcb, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) { return; } send_pointer_position_event(output, reply->win_x, reply->win_y, time); free(reply); } bool wlr_input_device_is_x11(struct wlr_input_device *wlr_dev) { switch (wlr_dev->type) { case WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_KEYBOARD: return wlr_dev->keyboard->impl == &keyboard_impl; case WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_POINTER: return wlr_dev->pointer->impl == &pointer_impl; case WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_TOUCH: return wlr_dev->touch->impl == &touch_impl; default: return wlr_dev->impl == &input_device_impl; } }