#ifndef RENDER_GLES2_H #define RENDER_GLES2_H #include <GLES2/gl2.h> #include <GLES2/gl2ext.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <wlr/render/egl.h> #include <wlr/render/gles2.h> #include <wlr/render/interface.h> #include <wlr/render/wlr_renderer.h> #include <wlr/render/wlr_texture.h> #include <wlr/util/addon.h> #include <wlr/util/log.h> #include "render/egl.h" // mesa ships old GL headers that don't include this type, so for distros that use headers from // mesa we need to def it ourselves until they update. // https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/23144 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLGETINTEGER64VEXTPROC) (GLenum pname, GLint64 *data); struct wlr_gles2_pixel_format { uint32_t drm_format; // optional field, if empty then internalformat = format GLint gl_internalformat; GLint gl_format, gl_type; }; struct wlr_gles2_tex_shader { GLuint program; GLint proj; GLint tex_proj; GLint tex; GLint alpha; GLint pos_attrib; }; struct wlr_gles2_renderer { struct wlr_renderer wlr_renderer; struct wlr_egl *egl; int drm_fd; const char *exts_str; struct { bool EXT_read_format_bgra; bool KHR_debug; bool OES_egl_image_external; bool OES_egl_image; bool EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV; bool OES_texture_half_float_linear; bool EXT_texture_norm16; bool EXT_disjoint_timer_query; } exts; struct { PFNGLEGLIMAGETARGETTEXTURE2DOESPROC glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES; PFNGLDEBUGMESSAGECALLBACKKHRPROC glDebugMessageCallbackKHR; PFNGLDEBUGMESSAGECONTROLKHRPROC glDebugMessageControlKHR; PFNGLPOPDEBUGGROUPKHRPROC glPopDebugGroupKHR; PFNGLPUSHDEBUGGROUPKHRPROC glPushDebugGroupKHR; PFNGLEGLIMAGETARGETRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEOESPROC glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES; PFNGLGETGRAPHICSRESETSTATUSKHRPROC glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR; PFNGLGENQUERIESEXTPROC glGenQueriesEXT; PFNGLDELETEQUERIESEXTPROC glDeleteQueriesEXT; PFNGLQUERYCOUNTEREXTPROC glQueryCounterEXT; PFNGLGETQUERYOBJECTIVEXTPROC glGetQueryObjectivEXT; PFNGLGETQUERYOBJECTUI64VEXTPROC glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT; PFNGLGETINTEGER64VEXTPROC glGetInteger64vEXT; } procs; struct { struct { GLuint program; GLint proj; GLint color; GLint pos_attrib; } quad; struct wlr_gles2_tex_shader tex_rgba; struct wlr_gles2_tex_shader tex_rgbx; struct wlr_gles2_tex_shader tex_ext; } shaders; struct wl_list buffers; // wlr_gles2_buffer.link struct wl_list textures; // wlr_gles2_texture.link }; struct wlr_gles2_render_timer { struct wlr_render_timer base; struct wlr_gles2_renderer *renderer; struct timespec cpu_start; struct timespec cpu_end; GLuint id; GLint64 gl_cpu_end; }; struct wlr_gles2_buffer { struct wlr_buffer *buffer; struct wlr_gles2_renderer *renderer; struct wl_list link; // wlr_gles2_renderer.buffers bool external_only; EGLImageKHR image; GLuint rbo; GLuint fbo; GLuint tex; struct wlr_addon addon; }; struct wlr_gles2_texture { struct wlr_texture wlr_texture; struct wlr_gles2_renderer *renderer; struct wl_list link; // wlr_gles2_renderer.textures GLenum target; // If this texture is imported from a buffer, the texture is does not own // these states. These cannot be destroyed along with the texture in this // case. GLuint tex; GLuint fbo; bool has_alpha; uint32_t drm_format; // for mutable textures only, used to interpret upload data struct wlr_gles2_buffer *buffer; // for DMA-BUF imports only }; struct wlr_gles2_render_pass { struct wlr_render_pass base; struct wlr_gles2_buffer *buffer; float projection_matrix[9]; struct wlr_egl_context prev_ctx; struct wlr_gles2_render_timer *timer; }; bool is_gles2_pixel_format_supported(const struct wlr_gles2_renderer *renderer, const struct wlr_gles2_pixel_format *format); const struct wlr_gles2_pixel_format *get_gles2_format_from_drm(uint32_t fmt); const struct wlr_gles2_pixel_format *get_gles2_format_from_gl( GLint gl_format, GLint gl_type, bool alpha); const uint32_t *get_gles2_shm_formats(const struct wlr_gles2_renderer *renderer, size_t *len); GLuint gles2_buffer_get_fbo(struct wlr_gles2_buffer *buffer); struct wlr_gles2_renderer *gles2_get_renderer( struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer); struct wlr_gles2_render_timer *gles2_get_render_timer( struct wlr_render_timer *timer); struct wlr_gles2_texture *gles2_get_texture( struct wlr_texture *wlr_texture); struct wlr_gles2_buffer *gles2_buffer_get_or_create(struct wlr_gles2_renderer *renderer, struct wlr_buffer *wlr_buffer); struct wlr_texture *gles2_texture_from_buffer(struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer, struct wlr_buffer *buffer); void gles2_texture_destroy(struct wlr_gles2_texture *texture); void push_gles2_debug_(struct wlr_gles2_renderer *renderer, const char *file, const char *func); #define push_gles2_debug(renderer) push_gles2_debug_(renderer, _WLR_FILENAME, __func__) void pop_gles2_debug(struct wlr_gles2_renderer *renderer); struct wlr_gles2_render_pass *begin_gles2_buffer_pass(struct wlr_gles2_buffer *buffer, struct wlr_egl_context *prev_ctx, struct wlr_gles2_render_timer *timer); #endif