#include <lcms2.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <wlr/util/log.h> #include <wlr/render/color.h> #include "render/color.h" static const cmsCIExyY srgb_whitepoint = { 0.3127, 0.3291, 1 }; static const cmsCIExyYTRIPLE srgb_primaries = { .Red = { 0.64, 0.33, 1 }, .Green = { 0.3, 0.6, 1 }, .Blue = { 0.15, 0.06, 1}, }; static void handle_lcms_error(cmsContext ctx, cmsUInt32Number code, const char *text) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "[lcms] %s", text); } struct wlr_color_transform *wlr_color_transform_init_linear_to_icc( const void *data, size_t size) { struct wlr_color_transform *tx = NULL; cmsContext ctx = cmsCreateContext(NULL, NULL); if (ctx == NULL) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "cmsCreateContext failed"); return NULL; } cmsSetLogErrorHandlerTHR(ctx, handle_lcms_error); cmsHPROFILE icc_profile = cmsOpenProfileFromMemTHR(ctx, data, size); if (icc_profile == NULL) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "cmsOpenProfileFromMemTHR failed"); goto out_ctx; } if (cmsGetDeviceClass(icc_profile) != cmsSigDisplayClass) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "ICC profile must have the Display device class"); goto out_icc_profile; } cmsToneCurve *linear_tone_curve = cmsBuildGamma(ctx, 1); if (linear_tone_curve == NULL) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "cmsBuildGamma failed"); goto out_icc_profile; } cmsToneCurve *linear_tf[] = { linear_tone_curve, linear_tone_curve, linear_tone_curve, }; cmsHPROFILE srgb_profile = cmsCreateRGBProfileTHR(ctx, &srgb_whitepoint, &srgb_primaries, linear_tf); if (srgb_profile == NULL) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "cmsCreateRGBProfileTHR failed"); goto out_linear_tone_curve; } cmsHTRANSFORM lcms_tr = cmsCreateTransformTHR(ctx, srgb_profile, TYPE_RGB_FLT, icc_profile, TYPE_RGB_FLT, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); if (lcms_tr == NULL) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "cmsCreateTransformTHR failed"); goto out_srgb_profile; } size_t dim_len = 33; float *lut_3d = calloc(3 * dim_len * dim_len * dim_len, sizeof(float)); if (lut_3d == NULL) { wlr_log_errno(WLR_ERROR, "Allocation failed"); goto out_lcms_tr; } float factor = 1.0f / (dim_len - 1); for (size_t b_index = 0; b_index < dim_len; b_index++) { for (size_t g_index = 0; g_index < dim_len; g_index++) { for (size_t r_index = 0; r_index < dim_len; r_index++) { float rgb_in[3] = { r_index * factor, g_index * factor, b_index * factor, }; float rgb_out[3]; // TODO: use a single call to cmsDoTransform for the entire calculation? // this does require allocating an extra temp buffer cmsDoTransform(lcms_tr, rgb_in, rgb_out, 1); size_t offset = 3 * (r_index + dim_len * g_index + dim_len * dim_len * b_index); // TODO: maybe clamp values to [0.0, 1.0] here? lut_3d[offset] = rgb_out[0]; lut_3d[offset + 1] = rgb_out[1]; lut_3d[offset + 2] = rgb_out[2]; } } } tx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_color_transform)); if (!tx) { goto out_lcms_tr; } tx->type = COLOR_TRANSFORM_LUT_3D; tx->lut3d.dim_len = dim_len; tx->lut3d.lut_3d = lut_3d; tx->ref_count = 1; wlr_addon_set_init(&tx->addons); out_lcms_tr: cmsDeleteTransform(lcms_tr); out_linear_tone_curve: cmsFreeToneCurve(linear_tone_curve); out_srgb_profile: cmsCloseProfile(srgb_profile); out_icc_profile: cmsCloseProfile(icc_profile); out_ctx: cmsDeleteContext(ctx); return tx; }