#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 #include <assert.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_region.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_xcursor_manager.h> #include <wlr/util/edges.h> #include <wlr/util/log.h> #include <wlr/util/region.h> #ifdef __linux__ #include <linux/input-event-codes.h> #elif __FreeBSD__ #include <dev/evdev/input-event-codes.h> #endif #include "rootston/cursor.h" #include "rootston/desktop.h" #include "rootston/view.h" #include "rootston/xcursor.h" struct roots_cursor *roots_cursor_create(struct roots_seat *seat) { struct roots_cursor *cursor = calloc(1, sizeof(struct roots_cursor)); if (!cursor) { return NULL; } cursor->cursor = wlr_cursor_create(); if (!cursor->cursor) { free(cursor); return NULL; } cursor->default_xcursor = ROOTS_XCURSOR_DEFAULT; return cursor; } void roots_cursor_destroy(struct roots_cursor *cursor) { // TODO } static void seat_view_deco_motion(struct roots_seat_view *view, double deco_sx, double deco_sy) { struct roots_cursor *cursor = view->seat->cursor; double sx = deco_sx; double sy = deco_sy; if (view->has_button_grab) { sx = view->grab_sx; sy = view->grab_sy; } enum roots_deco_part parts = view_get_deco_part(view->view, sx, sy); bool is_titlebar = (parts & ROOTS_DECO_PART_TITLEBAR); uint32_t edges = 0; if (parts & ROOTS_DECO_PART_LEFT_BORDER) { edges |= WLR_EDGE_LEFT; } else if (parts & ROOTS_DECO_PART_RIGHT_BORDER) { edges |= WLR_EDGE_RIGHT; } else if (parts & ROOTS_DECO_PART_BOTTOM_BORDER) { edges |= WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM; } else if (parts & ROOTS_DECO_PART_TOP_BORDER) { edges |= WLR_EDGE_TOP; } if (view->has_button_grab) { if (is_titlebar) { roots_seat_begin_move(view->seat, view->view); } else if (edges) { roots_seat_begin_resize(view->seat, view->view, edges); } view->has_button_grab = false; } else { if (is_titlebar) { wlr_xcursor_manager_set_cursor_image(cursor->xcursor_manager, cursor->default_xcursor, cursor->cursor); } else if (edges) { const char *resize_name = wlr_xcursor_get_resize_name(edges); wlr_xcursor_manager_set_cursor_image(cursor->xcursor_manager, resize_name, cursor->cursor); } } } static void seat_view_deco_leave(struct roots_seat_view *view) { struct roots_cursor *cursor = view->seat->cursor; wlr_xcursor_manager_set_cursor_image(cursor->xcursor_manager, cursor->default_xcursor, cursor->cursor); view->has_button_grab = false; } static void seat_view_deco_button(struct roots_seat_view *view, double sx, double sy, uint32_t button, uint32_t state) { if (button == BTN_LEFT && state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { view->has_button_grab = true; view->grab_sx = sx; view->grab_sy = sy; } else { view->has_button_grab = false; } enum roots_deco_part parts = view_get_deco_part(view->view, sx, sy); if (state == WLR_BUTTON_RELEASED && (parts & ROOTS_DECO_PART_TITLEBAR)) { struct roots_cursor *cursor = view->seat->cursor; wlr_xcursor_manager_set_cursor_image(cursor->xcursor_manager, cursor->default_xcursor, cursor->cursor); } } static void roots_passthrough_cursor(struct roots_cursor *cursor, int64_t time) { bool focus_changed; double sx, sy; struct roots_view *view = NULL; struct roots_seat *seat = cursor->seat; struct roots_desktop *desktop = seat->input->server->desktop; struct wlr_surface *surface = desktop_surface_at(desktop, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y, &sx, &sy, &view); struct wl_client *client = NULL; if (surface) { client = wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource); } if (surface && !roots_seat_allow_input(seat, surface->resource)) { return; } if (cursor->cursor_client != client) { wlr_xcursor_manager_set_cursor_image(cursor->xcursor_manager, cursor->default_xcursor, cursor->cursor); cursor->cursor_client = client; } if (view) { struct roots_seat_view *seat_view = roots_seat_view_from_view(seat, view); if (cursor->pointer_view && !cursor->wlr_surface && (surface || seat_view != cursor->pointer_view)) { seat_view_deco_leave(cursor->pointer_view); } cursor->pointer_view = seat_view; if (!surface) { seat_view_deco_motion(seat_view, sx, sy); } } else { cursor->pointer_view = NULL; } cursor->wlr_surface = surface; if (surface) { focus_changed = (seat->seat->pointer_state.focused_surface != surface); wlr_seat_pointer_notify_enter(seat->seat, surface, sx, sy); if (!focus_changed && time > 0) { wlr_seat_pointer_notify_motion(seat->seat, time, sx, sy); } } else { wlr_seat_pointer_clear_focus(seat->seat); } struct roots_drag_icon *drag_icon; wl_list_for_each(drag_icon, &seat->drag_icons, link) { roots_drag_icon_update_position(drag_icon); } } void roots_cursor_update_focus(struct roots_cursor *cursor) { roots_passthrough_cursor(cursor, -1); } void roots_cursor_update_position(struct roots_cursor *cursor, uint32_t time) { struct roots_seat *seat = cursor->seat; struct roots_view *view; switch (cursor->mode) { case ROOTS_CURSOR_PASSTHROUGH: roots_passthrough_cursor(cursor, time); break; case ROOTS_CURSOR_MOVE: view = roots_seat_get_focus(seat); if (view != NULL) { double dx = cursor->cursor->x - cursor->offs_x; double dy = cursor->cursor->y - cursor->offs_y; view_move(view, cursor->view_x + dx, cursor->view_y + dy); } break; case ROOTS_CURSOR_RESIZE: view = roots_seat_get_focus(seat); if (view != NULL) { double dx = cursor->cursor->x - cursor->offs_x; double dy = cursor->cursor->y - cursor->offs_y; double x = view->x; double y = view->y; int width = cursor->view_width; int height = cursor->view_height; if (cursor->resize_edges & WLR_EDGE_TOP) { y = cursor->view_y + dy; height -= dy; if (height < 1) { y += height; } } else if (cursor->resize_edges & WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM) { height += dy; } if (cursor->resize_edges & WLR_EDGE_LEFT) { x = cursor->view_x + dx; width -= dx; if (width < 1) { x += width; } } else if (cursor->resize_edges & WLR_EDGE_RIGHT) { width += dx; } view_move_resize(view, x, y, width < 1 ? 1 : width, height < 1 ? 1 : height); } break; case ROOTS_CURSOR_ROTATE: view = roots_seat_get_focus(seat); if (view != NULL) { int ox = view->x + view->wlr_surface->current.width/2, oy = view->y + view->wlr_surface->current.height/2; int ux = cursor->offs_x - ox, uy = cursor->offs_y - oy; int vx = cursor->cursor->x - ox, vy = cursor->cursor->y - oy; float angle = atan2(ux*vy - uy*vx, vx*ux + vy*uy); int steps = 12; angle = round(angle/M_PI*steps) / (steps/M_PI); view_rotate(view, cursor->view_rotation + angle); } break; } } static void roots_cursor_press_button(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_input_device *device, uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t state, double lx, double ly) { struct roots_seat *seat = cursor->seat; struct roots_desktop *desktop = seat->input->server->desktop; bool is_touch = device->type == WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_TOUCH; double sx, sy; struct roots_view *view; struct wlr_surface *surface = desktop_surface_at(desktop, lx, ly, &sx, &sy, &view); if (state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED && view && roots_seat_has_meta_pressed(seat)) { roots_seat_set_focus(seat, view); uint32_t edges; switch (button) { case BTN_LEFT: roots_seat_begin_move(seat, view); break; case BTN_RIGHT: edges = 0; if (sx < view->wlr_surface->current.width/2) { edges |= WLR_EDGE_LEFT; } else { edges |= WLR_EDGE_RIGHT; } if (sy < view->wlr_surface->current.height/2) { edges |= WLR_EDGE_TOP; } else { edges |= WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM; } roots_seat_begin_resize(seat, view, edges); break; case BTN_MIDDLE: roots_seat_begin_rotate(seat, view); break; } } else { if (view && !surface && cursor->pointer_view) { seat_view_deco_button(cursor->pointer_view, sx, sy, button, state); } if (state == WLR_BUTTON_RELEASED && cursor->mode != ROOTS_CURSOR_PASSTHROUGH) { cursor->mode = ROOTS_CURSOR_PASSTHROUGH; } if (state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { if (view) { roots_seat_set_focus(seat, view); } if (surface && wlr_surface_is_layer_surface(surface)) { struct wlr_layer_surface_v1 *layer = wlr_layer_surface_v1_from_wlr_surface(surface); if (layer->current.keyboard_interactive) { roots_seat_set_focus_layer(seat, layer); } } } } if (!is_touch) { wlr_seat_pointer_notify_button(seat->seat, time, button, state); } } void roots_cursor_handle_motion(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_event_pointer_motion *event) { double dx = event->delta_x; double dy = event->delta_y; if (cursor->active_constraint) { struct roots_view *view = cursor->pointer_view->view; assert(view); // TODO: handle rotated views if (view->rotation == 0.0) { double lx1 = cursor->cursor->x; double ly1 = cursor->cursor->y; double lx2 = lx1 + dx; double ly2 = ly1 + dy; double sx1 = lx1 - view->x; double sy1 = ly1 - view->y; double sx2 = lx2 - view->x; double sy2 = ly2 - view->y; double sx2_confined, sy2_confined; if (!wlr_region_confine(&cursor->confine, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, &sx2_confined, &sy2_confined)) { return; } dx = sx2_confined - sx1; dy = sy2_confined - sy1; } } wlr_cursor_move(cursor->cursor, event->device, dx, dy); roots_cursor_update_position(cursor, event->time_msec); } void roots_cursor_handle_motion_absolute(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_event_pointer_motion_absolute *event) { double lx, ly; wlr_cursor_absolute_to_layout_coords(cursor->cursor, event->device, event->x, event->y, &lx, &ly); if (cursor->pointer_view) { struct roots_view *view = cursor->pointer_view->view; if (cursor->active_constraint && !pixman_region32_contains_point(&cursor->confine, floor(lx - view->x), floor(ly - view->y), NULL)) { return; } } wlr_cursor_warp_closest(cursor->cursor, event->device, lx, ly); roots_cursor_update_position(cursor, event->time_msec); } void roots_cursor_handle_button(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_event_pointer_button *event) { roots_cursor_press_button(cursor, event->device, event->time_msec, event->button, event->state, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y); } void roots_cursor_handle_axis(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_event_pointer_axis *event) { wlr_seat_pointer_notify_axis(cursor->seat->seat, event->time_msec, event->orientation, event->delta, event->delta_discrete, event->source); } void roots_cursor_handle_touch_down(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_event_touch_down *event) { struct roots_desktop *desktop = cursor->seat->input->server->desktop; double lx, ly; wlr_cursor_absolute_to_layout_coords(cursor->cursor, event->device, event->x, event->y, &lx, &ly); double sx, sy; struct wlr_surface *surface = desktop_surface_at( desktop, lx, ly, &sx, &sy, NULL); uint32_t serial = 0; if (surface && roots_seat_allow_input(cursor->seat, surface->resource)) { serial = wlr_seat_touch_notify_down(cursor->seat->seat, surface, event->time_msec, event->touch_id, sx, sy); } if (serial && wlr_seat_touch_num_points(cursor->seat->seat) == 1) { cursor->seat->touch_id = event->touch_id; cursor->seat->touch_x = lx; cursor->seat->touch_y = ly; roots_cursor_press_button(cursor, event->device, event->time_msec, BTN_LEFT, 1, lx, ly); } } void roots_cursor_handle_touch_up(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_event_touch_up *event) { struct wlr_touch_point *point = wlr_seat_touch_get_point(cursor->seat->seat, event->touch_id); if (!point) { return; } if (wlr_seat_touch_num_points(cursor->seat->seat) == 1) { roots_cursor_press_button(cursor, event->device, event->time_msec, BTN_LEFT, 0, cursor->seat->touch_x, cursor->seat->touch_y); } wlr_seat_touch_notify_up(cursor->seat->seat, event->time_msec, event->touch_id); } void roots_cursor_handle_touch_motion(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_event_touch_motion *event) { struct roots_desktop *desktop = cursor->seat->input->server->desktop; struct wlr_touch_point *point = wlr_seat_touch_get_point(cursor->seat->seat, event->touch_id); if (!point) { return; } double lx, ly; wlr_cursor_absolute_to_layout_coords(cursor->cursor, event->device, event->x, event->y, &lx, &ly); double sx, sy; struct wlr_surface *surface = desktop_surface_at( desktop, lx, ly, &sx, &sy, NULL); if (surface && roots_seat_allow_input(cursor->seat, surface->resource)) { wlr_seat_touch_point_focus(cursor->seat->seat, surface, event->time_msec, event->touch_id, sx, sy); wlr_seat_touch_notify_motion(cursor->seat->seat, event->time_msec, event->touch_id, sx, sy); } else { wlr_seat_touch_point_clear_focus(cursor->seat->seat, event->time_msec, event->touch_id); } if (event->touch_id == cursor->seat->touch_id) { cursor->seat->touch_x = lx; cursor->seat->touch_y = ly; } } void roots_cursor_handle_tool_axis(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_event_tablet_tool_axis *event) { double x = NAN, y = NAN; if ((event->updated_axes & WLR_TABLET_TOOL_AXIS_X) && (event->updated_axes & WLR_TABLET_TOOL_AXIS_Y)) { x = event->x; y = event->y; } else if ((event->updated_axes & WLR_TABLET_TOOL_AXIS_X)) { x = event->x; } else if ((event->updated_axes & WLR_TABLET_TOOL_AXIS_Y)) { y = event->y; } double lx, ly; wlr_cursor_absolute_to_layout_coords(cursor->cursor, event->device, x, y, &lx, &ly); if (cursor->pointer_view) { struct roots_view *view = cursor->pointer_view->view; if (cursor->active_constraint && !pixman_region32_contains_point(&cursor->confine, floor(lx - view->x), floor(ly - view->y), NULL)) { return; } } wlr_cursor_warp_closest(cursor->cursor, event->device, lx, ly); roots_cursor_update_position(cursor, event->time_msec); } void roots_cursor_handle_tool_tip(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_event_tablet_tool_tip *event) { roots_cursor_press_button(cursor, event->device, event->time_msec, BTN_LEFT, event->state, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y); } void roots_cursor_handle_request_set_cursor(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_seat_pointer_request_set_cursor_event *event) { struct wlr_surface *focused_surface = event->seat_client->seat->pointer_state.focused_surface; bool has_focused = focused_surface != NULL && focused_surface->resource != NULL; struct wl_client *focused_client = NULL; if (has_focused) { focused_client = wl_resource_get_client(focused_surface->resource); } if (event->seat_client->client != focused_client || cursor->mode != ROOTS_CURSOR_PASSTHROUGH) { wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "Denying request to set cursor from unfocused client"); return; } wlr_cursor_set_surface(cursor->cursor, event->surface, event->hotspot_x, event->hotspot_y); cursor->cursor_client = event->seat_client->client; } void roots_cursor_handle_focus_change(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_seat_pointer_focus_change_event *event) { double sx = event->sx; double sy = event->sy; double lx = cursor->cursor->x; double ly = cursor->cursor->y; wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "entered surface %p, lx: %f, ly: %f, sx: %f, sy: %f", event->new_surface, lx, ly, sx, sy); roots_cursor_constrain(cursor, wlr_pointer_constraints_v1_constraint_for_surface( cursor->seat->input->server->desktop->pointer_constraints, event->new_surface, cursor->seat->seat), sx, sy); } void roots_cursor_handle_constraint_commit(struct roots_cursor *cursor) { struct roots_desktop *desktop = cursor->seat->input->server->desktop; struct roots_view *view; double sx, sy; struct wlr_surface *surface = desktop_surface_at(desktop, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y, &sx, &sy, &view); // This should never happen but views move around right when they're // created from (0, 0) to their actual coordinates. if (surface != cursor->active_constraint->surface) { roots_cursor_update_focus(cursor); } else { roots_cursor_constrain(cursor, cursor->active_constraint, sx, sy); } } static void handle_constraint_commit(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct roots_cursor *cursor = wl_container_of(listener, cursor, constraint_commit); assert(cursor->active_constraint->surface == data); roots_cursor_handle_constraint_commit(cursor); } void roots_cursor_constrain(struct roots_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_pointer_constraint_v1 *constraint, double sx, double sy) { if (cursor->active_constraint == constraint) { return; } wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "roots_cursor_constrain(%p, %p)", cursor, constraint); wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "cursor->active_constraint: %p", cursor->active_constraint); wl_list_remove(&cursor->constraint_commit.link); wl_list_init(&cursor->constraint_commit.link); if (cursor->active_constraint) { wlr_pointer_constraint_v1_send_deactivated( cursor->active_constraint); } cursor->active_constraint = constraint; if (constraint == NULL) { return; } wlr_pointer_constraint_v1_send_activated(constraint); wl_list_remove(&cursor->constraint_commit.link); wl_signal_add(&constraint->surface->events.commit, &cursor->constraint_commit); cursor->constraint_commit.notify = handle_constraint_commit; pixman_region32_clear(&cursor->confine); pixman_region32_t *region = &constraint->region; if (!pixman_region32_contains_point(region, floor(sx), floor(sy), NULL)) { // Warp into region if possible int nboxes; pixman_box32_t *boxes = pixman_region32_rectangles(region, &nboxes); if (nboxes > 0) { struct roots_view *view = cursor->pointer_view->view; double sx = (boxes[0].x1 + boxes[0].x2) / 2.; double sy = (boxes[0].y1 + boxes[0].y2) / 2.; rotate_child_position(&sx, &sy, 0, 0, view->width, view->height, view->rotation); double lx = view->x + sx; double ly = view->y + sy; wlr_cursor_warp_closest(cursor->cursor, NULL, lx, ly); } } // A locked pointer will result in an empty region, thus disallowing all movement if (constraint->type == WLR_POINTER_CONSTRAINT_V1_CONFINED) { pixman_region32_copy(&cursor->confine, region); } }