#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <tgmath.h> #include <time.h> #include <wayland-server.h> #include <wlr/interfaces/wlr_output.h> #include <wlr/render/interface.h> #include <wlr/render/wlr_renderer.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_box.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_matrix.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_output.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_seat.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_surface.h> #include <wlr/util/log.h> #include <wlr/util/region.h> #include "util/signal.h" #define OUTPUT_VERSION 3 static void output_send_to_resource(struct wl_resource *resource) { struct wlr_output *output = wlr_output_from_resource(resource); const uint32_t version = wl_resource_get_version(resource); if (version >= WL_OUTPUT_GEOMETRY_SINCE_VERSION) { wl_output_send_geometry(resource, output->lx, output->ly, output->phys_width, output->phys_height, output->subpixel, output->make, output->model, output->transform); } if (version >= WL_OUTPUT_MODE_SINCE_VERSION) { struct wlr_output_mode *mode; wl_list_for_each(mode, &output->modes, link) { uint32_t flags = mode->flags & WL_OUTPUT_MODE_PREFERRED; if (output->current_mode == mode) { flags |= WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT; } wl_output_send_mode(resource, flags, mode->width, mode->height, mode->refresh); } if (wl_list_length(&output->modes) == 0) { // Output has no mode, send the current width/height wl_output_send_mode(resource, WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT, output->width, output->height, output->refresh); } } if (version >= WL_OUTPUT_SCALE_SINCE_VERSION) { wl_output_send_scale(resource, (uint32_t)ceil(output->scale)); } if (version >= WL_OUTPUT_DONE_SINCE_VERSION) { wl_output_send_done(resource); } } static void output_send_current_mode_to_resource( struct wl_resource *resource) { struct wlr_output *output = wlr_output_from_resource(resource); const uint32_t version = wl_resource_get_version(resource); if (version < WL_OUTPUT_MODE_SINCE_VERSION) { return; } if (output->current_mode != NULL) { struct wlr_output_mode *mode = output->current_mode; uint32_t flags = mode->flags & WL_OUTPUT_MODE_PREFERRED; wl_output_send_mode(resource, flags | WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT, mode->width, mode->height, mode->refresh); } else { // Output has no mode wl_output_send_mode(resource, WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT, output->width, output->height, output->refresh); } if (version >= WL_OUTPUT_DONE_SINCE_VERSION) { wl_output_send_done(resource); } } static void output_handle_resource_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource) { wl_list_remove(wl_resource_get_link(resource)); } static void output_handle_release(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource) { wl_resource_destroy(resource); } static const struct wl_output_interface output_impl = { .release = output_handle_release, }; static void output_bind(struct wl_client *wl_client, void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id) { struct wlr_output *output = data; struct wl_resource *resource = wl_resource_create(wl_client, &wl_output_interface, version, id); if (resource == NULL) { wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_client); return; } wl_resource_set_implementation(resource, &output_impl, output, output_handle_resource_destroy); wl_list_insert(&output->resources, wl_resource_get_link(resource)); output_send_to_resource(resource); } void wlr_output_create_global(struct wlr_output *output) { if (output->global != NULL) { return; } output->global = wl_global_create(output->display, &wl_output_interface, OUTPUT_VERSION, output, output_bind); if (output->global == NULL) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to allocate wl_output global"); } } void wlr_output_destroy_global(struct wlr_output *output) { if (output->global == NULL) { return; } // Make all output resources inert struct wl_resource *resource, *tmp; wl_resource_for_each_safe(resource, tmp, &output->resources) { wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL); wl_list_remove(wl_resource_get_link(resource)); wl_list_init(wl_resource_get_link(resource)); } wl_global_destroy(output->global); output->global = NULL; } void wlr_output_update_enabled(struct wlr_output *output, bool enabled) { if (output->enabled == enabled) { return; } output->enabled = enabled; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->events.enable, output); } static void output_update_matrix(struct wlr_output *output) { wlr_matrix_projection(output->transform_matrix, output->width, output->height, output->transform); } bool wlr_output_enable(struct wlr_output *output, bool enable) { if (output->enabled == enable) { return true; } if (output->impl->enable) { return output->impl->enable(output, enable); } return false; } bool wlr_output_set_mode(struct wlr_output *output, struct wlr_output_mode *mode) { if (!output->impl || !output->impl->set_mode) { return false; } return output->impl->set_mode(output, mode); } bool wlr_output_set_custom_mode(struct wlr_output *output, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t refresh) { if (!output->impl || !output->impl->set_custom_mode) { return false; } return output->impl->set_custom_mode(output, width, height, refresh); } void wlr_output_update_mode(struct wlr_output *output, struct wlr_output_mode *mode) { output->current_mode = mode; wlr_output_update_custom_mode(output, mode->width, mode->height, mode->refresh); } void wlr_output_update_custom_mode(struct wlr_output *output, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t refresh) { if (output->width == width && output->height == height && output->refresh == refresh) { return; } output->width = width; output->height = height; output_update_matrix(output); output->refresh = refresh; struct wl_resource *resource; wl_resource_for_each(resource, &output->resources) { output_send_current_mode_to_resource(resource); } wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->events.mode, output); } void wlr_output_set_transform(struct wlr_output *output, enum wl_output_transform transform) { output->impl->transform(output, transform); output_update_matrix(output); // TODO: only send geometry and done struct wl_resource *resource; wl_resource_for_each(resource, &output->resources) { output_send_to_resource(resource); } wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->events.transform, output); } void wlr_output_set_position(struct wlr_output *output, int32_t lx, int32_t ly) { if (lx == output->lx && ly == output->ly) { return; } output->lx = lx; output->ly = ly; // TODO: only send geometry and done struct wl_resource *resource; wl_resource_for_each(resource, &output->resources) { output_send_to_resource(resource); } } void wlr_output_set_scale(struct wlr_output *output, float scale) { if (output->scale == scale) { return; } output->scale = scale; // TODO: only send mode and done struct wl_resource *resource; wl_resource_for_each(resource, &output->resources) { output_send_to_resource(resource); } wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->events.scale, output); } static void handle_display_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_output *output = wl_container_of(listener, output, display_destroy); wlr_output_destroy_global(output); } void wlr_output_init(struct wlr_output *output, struct wlr_backend *backend, const struct wlr_output_impl *impl, struct wl_display *display) { assert(impl->make_current && impl->swap_buffers && impl->transform); if (impl->set_cursor || impl->move_cursor) { assert(impl->set_cursor && impl->move_cursor); } output->backend = backend; output->impl = impl; output->display = display; wl_list_init(&output->modes); output->transform = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL; output->scale = 1; wl_list_init(&output->cursors); wl_list_init(&output->resources); wl_signal_init(&output->events.frame); wl_signal_init(&output->events.needs_swap); wl_signal_init(&output->events.swap_buffers); wl_signal_init(&output->events.present); wl_signal_init(&output->events.enable); wl_signal_init(&output->events.mode); wl_signal_init(&output->events.scale); wl_signal_init(&output->events.transform); wl_signal_init(&output->events.destroy); pixman_region32_init(&output->damage); const char *no_hardware_cursors = getenv("WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS"); if (no_hardware_cursors != NULL && strcmp(no_hardware_cursors, "1") == 0) { wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS set, forcing software cursors"); output->software_cursor_locks = 1; } output->display_destroy.notify = handle_display_destroy; wl_display_add_destroy_listener(display, &output->display_destroy); output->frame_pending = true; } void wlr_output_destroy(struct wlr_output *output) { if (!output) { return; } wl_list_remove(&output->display_destroy.link); wlr_output_destroy_global(output); wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->events.destroy, output); // The backend is responsible for free-ing the list of modes struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor, *tmp_cursor; wl_list_for_each_safe(cursor, tmp_cursor, &output->cursors, link) { wlr_output_cursor_destroy(cursor); } if (output->idle_frame != NULL) { wl_event_source_remove(output->idle_frame); } pixman_region32_fini(&output->damage); if (output->impl && output->impl->destroy) { output->impl->destroy(output); } else { free(output); } } void wlr_output_transformed_resolution(struct wlr_output *output, int *width, int *height) { if (output->transform % 2 == 0) { *width = output->width; *height = output->height; } else { *width = output->height; *height = output->width; } } void wlr_output_effective_resolution(struct wlr_output *output, int *width, int *height) { wlr_output_transformed_resolution(output, width, height); *width /= output->scale; *height /= output->scale; } bool wlr_output_make_current(struct wlr_output *output, int *buffer_age) { return output->impl->make_current(output, buffer_age); } bool wlr_output_preferred_read_format(struct wlr_output *output, enum wl_shm_format *fmt) { if (!wlr_output_make_current(output, NULL)) { return false; } struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer(output->backend); if (!renderer->impl->preferred_read_format || !renderer->impl->read_pixels) { return false; } *fmt = renderer->impl->preferred_read_format(renderer); return true; } bool wlr_output_swap_buffers(struct wlr_output *output, struct timespec *when, pixman_region32_t *damage) { if (output->frame_pending) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Tried to swap buffers when a frame is pending"); return false; } if (output->idle_frame != NULL) { wl_event_source_remove(output->idle_frame); output->idle_frame = NULL; } struct timespec now; if (when == NULL) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); when = &now; } struct wlr_output_event_swap_buffers event = { .output = output, .when = when, .damage = damage, }; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->events.swap_buffers, &event); pixman_region32_t render_damage; pixman_region32_init(&render_damage); pixman_region32_union_rect(&render_damage, &render_damage, 0, 0, output->width, output->height); if (damage != NULL) { // Damage tracking supported pixman_region32_intersect(&render_damage, &render_damage, damage); } if (!output->impl->swap_buffers(output, damage ? &render_damage : NULL)) { pixman_region32_fini(&render_damage); return false; } pixman_region32_fini(&render_damage); struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor; wl_list_for_each(cursor, &output->cursors, link) { if (!cursor->enabled || !cursor->visible || cursor->surface == NULL) { continue; } wlr_surface_send_frame_done(cursor->surface, when); } output->frame_pending = true; output->needs_swap = false; pixman_region32_clear(&output->damage); return true; } void wlr_output_send_frame(struct wlr_output *output) { output->frame_pending = false; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->events.frame, output); } static void schedule_frame_handle_idle_timer(void *data) { struct wlr_output *output = data; output->idle_frame = NULL; if (!output->frame_pending && output->impl->schedule_frame) { // Ask the backend to send a frame event when appropriate if (output->impl->schedule_frame(output)) { output->frame_pending = true; } } } void wlr_output_schedule_frame(struct wlr_output *output) { if (output->frame_pending || output->idle_frame != NULL) { return; } // We're using an idle timer here in case a buffer swap happens right after // this function is called struct wl_event_loop *ev = wl_display_get_event_loop(output->display); output->idle_frame = wl_event_loop_add_idle(ev, schedule_frame_handle_idle_timer, output); } void wlr_output_send_present(struct wlr_output *output, struct wlr_output_event_present *event) { struct wlr_output_event_present _event = {0}; if (event == NULL) { event = &_event; } event->output = output; struct timespec now; if (event->when == NULL) { clockid_t clock = wlr_backend_get_presentation_clock(output->backend); errno = 0; if (clock_gettime(clock, &now) != 0) { wlr_log_errno(WLR_ERROR, "failed to send output present event: " "failed to read clock"); return; } event->when = &now; } wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->events.present, event); } bool wlr_output_set_gamma(struct wlr_output *output, size_t size, const uint16_t *r, const uint16_t *g, const uint16_t *b) { if (!output->impl->set_gamma) { return false; } return output->impl->set_gamma(output, size, r, g, b); } size_t wlr_output_get_gamma_size(struct wlr_output *output) { if (!output->impl->get_gamma_size) { return 0; } return output->impl->get_gamma_size(output); } bool wlr_output_export_dmabuf(struct wlr_output *output, struct wlr_dmabuf_attributes *attribs) { if (!output->impl->export_dmabuf) { return false; } return output->impl->export_dmabuf(output, attribs); } void wlr_output_update_needs_swap(struct wlr_output *output) { output->needs_swap = true; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&output->events.needs_swap, output); } void wlr_output_damage_whole(struct wlr_output *output) { int width, height; wlr_output_transformed_resolution(output, &width, &height); pixman_region32_union_rect(&output->damage, &output->damage, 0, 0, width, height); wlr_output_update_needs_swap(output); } struct wlr_output *wlr_output_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource) { assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &wl_output_interface, &output_impl)); return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource); } static void output_cursor_damage_whole(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor); void wlr_output_lock_software_cursors(struct wlr_output *output, bool lock) { if (lock) { ++output->software_cursor_locks; } else { assert(output->software_cursor_locks > 0); --output->software_cursor_locks; } wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "%s hardware cursors on output '%s' (locks: %d)", lock ? "Disabling" : "Enabling", output->name, output->software_cursor_locks); if (output->software_cursor_locks > 0 && output->hardware_cursor != NULL) { assert(output->impl->set_cursor); output->impl->set_cursor(output, NULL, 1, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, 0, true); output_cursor_damage_whole(output->hardware_cursor); output->hardware_cursor = NULL; } // If it's possible to use hardware cursors again, don't switch immediately // since a recorder is likely to lock software cursors for the next frame // again. } static void output_scissor(struct wlr_output *output, pixman_box32_t *rect) { struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer(output->backend); assert(renderer); struct wlr_box box = { .x = rect->x1, .y = rect->y1, .width = rect->x2 - rect->x1, .height = rect->y2 - rect->y1, }; int ow, oh; wlr_output_transformed_resolution(output, &ow, &oh); enum wl_output_transform transform = wlr_output_transform_invert(output->transform); wlr_box_transform(&box, transform, ow, oh, &box); wlr_renderer_scissor(renderer, &box); } static void output_cursor_get_box(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_box *box); static void output_cursor_render(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor, pixman_region32_t *damage) { struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer(cursor->output->backend); assert(renderer); struct wlr_texture *texture = cursor->texture; if (cursor->surface != NULL) { texture = wlr_surface_get_texture(cursor->surface); } if (texture == NULL) { return; } struct wlr_box box; output_cursor_get_box(cursor, &box); pixman_region32_t surface_damage; pixman_region32_init(&surface_damage); pixman_region32_union_rect(&surface_damage, &surface_damage, box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height); pixman_region32_intersect(&surface_damage, &surface_damage, damage); if (!pixman_region32_not_empty(&surface_damage)) { goto surface_damage_finish; } float matrix[9]; wlr_matrix_project_box(matrix, &box, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, cursor->output->transform_matrix); int nrects; pixman_box32_t *rects = pixman_region32_rectangles(&surface_damage, &nrects); for (int i = 0; i < nrects; ++i) { output_scissor(cursor->output, &rects[i]); wlr_render_texture_with_matrix(renderer, texture, matrix, 1.0f); } wlr_renderer_scissor(renderer, NULL); surface_damage_finish: pixman_region32_fini(&surface_damage); } void wlr_output_render_software_cursors(struct wlr_output *output, pixman_region32_t *damage) { int width, height; wlr_output_transformed_resolution(output, &width, &height); pixman_region32_t render_damage; pixman_region32_init(&render_damage); pixman_region32_union_rect(&render_damage, &render_damage, 0, 0, width, height); if (damage != NULL) { // Damage tracking supported pixman_region32_intersect(&render_damage, &render_damage, damage); } if (pixman_region32_not_empty(&render_damage)) { struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor; wl_list_for_each(cursor, &output->cursors, link) { if (!cursor->enabled || !cursor->visible || output->hardware_cursor == cursor) { continue; } output_cursor_render(cursor, &render_damage); } } pixman_region32_fini(&render_damage); } /** * Returns the cursor box, scaled for its output. */ static void output_cursor_get_box(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_box *box) { box->x = cursor->x - cursor->hotspot_x; box->y = cursor->y - cursor->hotspot_y; box->width = cursor->width; box->height = cursor->height; } static void output_cursor_damage_whole(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor) { struct wlr_box box; output_cursor_get_box(cursor, &box); pixman_region32_union_rect(&cursor->output->damage, &cursor->output->damage, box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height); wlr_output_update_needs_swap(cursor->output); } static void output_cursor_reset(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor) { if (cursor->output->hardware_cursor != cursor) { output_cursor_damage_whole(cursor); } if (cursor->surface != NULL) { wl_list_remove(&cursor->surface_commit.link); wl_list_remove(&cursor->surface_destroy.link); cursor->surface = NULL; } } static void output_cursor_update_visible(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor) { struct wlr_box output_box; output_box.x = output_box.y = 0; wlr_output_transformed_resolution(cursor->output, &output_box.width, &output_box.height); struct wlr_box cursor_box; output_cursor_get_box(cursor, &cursor_box); struct wlr_box intersection; bool visible = wlr_box_intersection(&output_box, &cursor_box, &intersection); if (cursor->surface != NULL) { if (cursor->visible && !visible) { wlr_surface_send_leave(cursor->surface, cursor->output); } if (!cursor->visible && visible) { wlr_surface_send_enter(cursor->surface, cursor->output); } } cursor->visible = visible; } static bool output_cursor_attempt_hardware(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor) { int32_t scale = cursor->output->scale; enum wl_output_transform transform = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL; struct wlr_texture *texture = cursor->texture; if (cursor->surface != NULL) { texture = wlr_surface_get_texture(cursor->surface); scale = cursor->surface->current.scale; transform = cursor->surface->current.transform; } if (cursor->output->software_cursor_locks > 0) { return false; } struct wlr_output_cursor *hwcur = cursor->output->hardware_cursor; if (cursor->output->impl->set_cursor && (hwcur == NULL || hwcur == cursor)) { // If the cursor was hidden or was a software cursor, the hardware // cursor position is outdated assert(cursor->output->impl->move_cursor); cursor->output->impl->move_cursor(cursor->output, (int)cursor->x, (int)cursor->y); if (cursor->output->impl->set_cursor(cursor->output, texture, scale, transform, cursor->hotspot_x, cursor->hotspot_y, true)) { cursor->output->hardware_cursor = cursor; return true; } } return false; } bool wlr_output_cursor_set_image(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor, const uint8_t *pixels, int32_t stride, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int32_t hotspot_x, int32_t hotspot_y) { struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer(cursor->output->backend); assert(renderer); output_cursor_reset(cursor); cursor->width = width; cursor->height = height; cursor->hotspot_x = hotspot_x; cursor->hotspot_y = hotspot_y; output_cursor_update_visible(cursor); wlr_texture_destroy(cursor->texture); cursor->texture = NULL; cursor->enabled = false; if (pixels != NULL) { cursor->texture = wlr_texture_from_pixels(renderer, WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888, stride, width, height, pixels); if (cursor->texture == NULL) { return false; } cursor->enabled = true; } if (output_cursor_attempt_hardware(cursor)) { return true; } wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "Falling back to software cursor on output '%s'", cursor->output->name); output_cursor_damage_whole(cursor); return true; } static void output_cursor_commit(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor, bool update_hotspot) { if (cursor->output->hardware_cursor != cursor) { output_cursor_damage_whole(cursor); } struct wlr_surface *surface = cursor->surface; assert(surface != NULL); // Some clients commit a cursor surface with a NULL buffer to hide it. cursor->enabled = wlr_surface_has_buffer(surface); cursor->width = surface->current.width * cursor->output->scale; cursor->height = surface->current.height * cursor->output->scale; output_cursor_update_visible(cursor); if (update_hotspot) { cursor->hotspot_x -= surface->current.dx * cursor->output->scale; cursor->hotspot_y -= surface->current.dy * cursor->output->scale; } if (output_cursor_attempt_hardware(cursor)) { return; } // Fallback to software cursor output_cursor_damage_whole(cursor); } static void output_cursor_handle_commit(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor = wl_container_of(listener, cursor, surface_commit); output_cursor_commit(cursor, true); } static void output_cursor_handle_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor = wl_container_of(listener, cursor, surface_destroy); output_cursor_reset(cursor); } void wlr_output_cursor_set_surface(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor, struct wlr_surface *surface, int32_t hotspot_x, int32_t hotspot_y) { hotspot_x *= cursor->output->scale; hotspot_y *= cursor->output->scale; if (surface && surface == cursor->surface) { // Only update the hotspot: surface hasn't changed if (cursor->output->hardware_cursor != cursor) { output_cursor_damage_whole(cursor); } cursor->hotspot_x = hotspot_x; cursor->hotspot_y = hotspot_y; if (cursor->output->hardware_cursor != cursor) { output_cursor_damage_whole(cursor); } else { assert(cursor->output->impl->set_cursor); cursor->output->impl->set_cursor(cursor->output, NULL, 1, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, false); } return; } output_cursor_reset(cursor); cursor->surface = surface; cursor->hotspot_x = hotspot_x; cursor->hotspot_y = hotspot_y; if (surface != NULL) { wl_signal_add(&surface->events.commit, &cursor->surface_commit); wl_signal_add(&surface->events.destroy, &cursor->surface_destroy); cursor->visible = false; output_cursor_commit(cursor, false); } else { cursor->enabled = false; cursor->width = 0; cursor->height = 0; if (cursor->output->hardware_cursor == cursor) { assert(cursor->output->impl->set_cursor); cursor->output->impl->set_cursor(cursor->output, NULL, 1, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, 0, true); } } } bool wlr_output_cursor_move(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor, double x, double y) { if (cursor->x == x && cursor->y == y) { return true; } if (cursor->output->hardware_cursor != cursor) { output_cursor_damage_whole(cursor); } bool was_visible = cursor->visible; x *= cursor->output->scale; y *= cursor->output->scale; cursor->x = x; cursor->y = y; output_cursor_update_visible(cursor); if (!was_visible && !cursor->visible) { // Cursor is still hidden, do nothing return true; } if (cursor->output->hardware_cursor != cursor) { output_cursor_damage_whole(cursor); return true; } assert(cursor->output->impl->move_cursor); return cursor->output->impl->move_cursor(cursor->output, (int)x, (int)y); } struct wlr_output_cursor *wlr_output_cursor_create(struct wlr_output *output) { struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_output_cursor)); if (cursor == NULL) { return NULL; } cursor->output = output; wl_signal_init(&cursor->events.destroy); wl_list_init(&cursor->surface_commit.link); cursor->surface_commit.notify = output_cursor_handle_commit; wl_list_init(&cursor->surface_destroy.link); cursor->surface_destroy.notify = output_cursor_handle_destroy; wl_list_insert(&output->cursors, &cursor->link); cursor->visible = true; // default position is at (0, 0) return cursor; } void wlr_output_cursor_destroy(struct wlr_output_cursor *cursor) { if (cursor == NULL) { return; } output_cursor_reset(cursor); wlr_signal_emit_safe(&cursor->events.destroy, cursor); if (cursor->output->hardware_cursor == cursor) { // If this cursor was the hardware cursor, disable it if (cursor->output->impl->set_cursor) { cursor->output->impl->set_cursor(cursor->output, NULL, 1, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, 0, true); } cursor->output->hardware_cursor = NULL; } wlr_texture_destroy(cursor->texture); wl_list_remove(&cursor->link); free(cursor); } enum wl_output_transform wlr_output_transform_invert( enum wl_output_transform tr) { if ((tr & WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90) && !(tr & WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED)) { tr ^= WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_180; } return tr; } enum wl_output_transform wlr_output_transform_compose( enum wl_output_transform tr_a, enum wl_output_transform tr_b) { uint32_t flipped = (tr_a ^ tr_b) & WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED; uint32_t rotated = (tr_a + tr_b) & (WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90 | WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_180); return flipped | rotated; }