hwdata = dependency(
	required: 'drm' in backends,
	native: true,
	not_found_message: 'Required for the DRM backend.',

libdisplay_info = dependency(
	required: 'drm' in backends,
	fallback: 'libdisplay-info',
	not_found_message: 'Required for the DRM backend.',

libliftoff = dependency(
	version: '>=0.4.0',
	fallback: 'libliftoff',
	required: false,

if not (hwdata.found() and libdisplay_info.found() and features['session'])

hwdata_dir = hwdata.get_variable(pkgconfig: 'pkgdatadir')
pnpids_c = custom_target(
	output: 'pnpids.c',
	input: files(hwdata_dir / 'pnp.ids'),
	feed: true,
	capture: true,
	command: files('gen_pnpids.sh'),
wlr_files += pnpids_c

wlr_files += files(

if libliftoff.found()
	wlr_files += files('libliftoff.c')

features += { 'drm-backend': true }
internal_features += { 'libliftoff': libliftoff.found() }
wlr_deps += libdisplay_info
wlr_deps += libliftoff