use mclaunch::manifest::*; #[test] fn test_arguments() { let src = r#" { "game": [ { "rules": [ ], "value": [ "--quickPlayRealms", "${quickPlayRealms}" ] } ], "jvm": [ ] } "#; let arguments: Arguments = serde_json::from_str(src).unwrap(); println!("{:#?}", arguments); } #[test] fn test_basic_decode() { // Grab minecraft version manifest let response = ureq::get("").call(); let version_manifest = response.unwrap().into_string().unwrap(); // Deserialize the version manifest let version_manifest: VersionManifest = serde_json::from_str(&version_manifest).unwrap(); // Print the version manifest println!("{:#?}", version_manifest); // fetch the latest release version let latest_release = &version_manifest.latest.release; // Print the latest release version println!("Latest release version: {}", latest_release); // Fetch the Version struct for the latest release version let latest_release_version = version_manifest.versions.iter().find( |version| == latest_release.as_str()) .unwrap(); // Print the latest release version struct println!("{:#?}", latest_release_version); // Fetch the version manifest for the latest release version let response = ureq::get(&latest_release_version.url).call(); let version_json = response.unwrap().into_string().unwrap(); // Print the version manifest for the latest release version println!("{}", version_json); // Deserialize the version manifest for the latest release version let version_json: VersionJson = serde_json::from_str(&version_json).unwrap(); // Print the version manifest for the latest release version println!("{:#?}", version_json); // Grab the asset index url let asset_index_url = &version_json.asset_index.url; // Print the asset index url println!("Asset index url: {}", asset_index_url); // Fetch the asset index let response = ureq::get(asset_index_url).call(); let asset_index = response.unwrap().into_string().unwrap(); // Print the asset index println!("{}", asset_index); // Deserialize the asset index let asset_index: AssetIndex = serde_json::from_str(&asset_index).unwrap(); // Print the asset index println!("{:#?}", asset_index); } #[test] fn test_164_decode() { // Grab minecraft version manifest let response = ureq::get("").call(); let version_manifest = response.unwrap().into_string().unwrap(); // Deserialize the version manifest let version_manifest: VersionManifest = serde_json::from_str(&version_manifest).unwrap(); // Print the version manifest println!("{:#?}", version_manifest); // fetch the 1.6.4 version let version_164 = version_manifest.versions.iter().find( |version| == "1.6.4") .unwrap(); // Print the 1.6.4 version println!("{:#?}", version_164); // Fetch the version manifest for the 1.6.4 version let response = ureq::get(&version_164.url).call(); let version_json = response.unwrap().into_string().unwrap(); // Print the version manifest for the 1.6.4 version println!("{}", version_json); // Deserialize the version manifest for the 1.6.4 version let version_json: VersionJson = serde_json::from_str(&version_json).unwrap(); // Print the version manifest for the 1.6.4 version println!("{:#?}", version_json); // Grab the asset index url let asset_index_url = &version_json.asset_index.url; // Print the asset index url println!("Asset index url: {}", asset_index_url); // Fetch the asset index let response = ureq::get(asset_index_url).call(); let asset_index = response.unwrap().into_string().unwrap(); // Print the asset index println!("{}", asset_index); // Deserialize the asset index let asset_index: AssetIndex = serde_json::from_str(&asset_index).unwrap(); // Print the asset index println!("{:#?}", asset_index); } #[test] fn test_latest_decode() { let latest = mclaunch::get_latest_version().unwrap(); let _asset_index = latest.get_asset_index().unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_164_decode_latest() { let version_164 = mclaunch::fetch_version("1.6.4").unwrap(); let _asset_index = version_164.get_asset_index().unwrap(); }