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sway-input (5)
sway-input - input configuration file and commands
Sway allows for configuration of libinput dveices.
**input** <identifier> click_method <none|button_areas|clickfinger>:
Changes the click method for the specified device.
**input** <identifier> drag_lock <enabled|disabled>:
Enables or disables drag lock for specified input device.
**input** <identifier> dwt <enabled|disabled>:
Enables or disables disable-while-typing for the specified input device.
**input** <identifier> events <enable|disabled>:
Enables or disables send_events for specified input device.
(Disabling send_events disables the input device)
**input** <identifier> middle_emulation <enabled|disabled>:
Enables or disables middle click emulation.
**input** <identifier> natural_scroll <enabled|disabled>:
Enables or disables natural scrolling for the specified input device.
**input** <identifier> pointer_accel <[-1,1]>:
Changes the pointer acceleration for the specified input device.
**input** <identifier> scroll_method <none|two_finger|edge|on_button_down>:
Changes the scroll method for the specified input device.
**input** <identifier> tap <enabled|disabled>:
Enables or disables tap for specified input device.