///// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 tw=82 noet: ///// :quotes.~: swaylock (1) ============ Name ---- swaylock - Screen locker for sway Synopsis -------- 'swaylock' [options] Lock the current sway session. Options ------- *-h, --help*:: Show help message and quit. *-c, \--color* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Turn the screen into the given color instead of white. If an image is in use, also enables color display. This option and -i are mutually exclusive. *-i, \--image* [<output>:]<path>:: Display the given image, optionally only on the given output. This option and -c are mutually exclusive. *--scaling*:: Scaling mode for images: stretch, fill, fit, center, or tile. *-t, --tiling*:: Same as --scaling=tile. *-u, --no-unlock-indicator*:: Disable the unlock indicator. *-v, \--version*:: Show the version number and quit. *--socket <path>*:: Use the specified socket path. Otherwise, swaymsg will ask sway where the socket is (which is the value of $SWAYSOCK, then of $I3SOCK). Appearance ---------- *--bshlcolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of backspace highlight segments. *--font* <font>:: Sets the font of the text inside the indicator. *--insidecolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of the inside of the indicator when typing or idle. *--insidevercolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of the inside of the indicator when verifying. *--insidewrongcolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of the inside of the indicator when invalid. *--keyhlcolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of keypress highlight segments. *--linecolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of the lines that separate the inside and outside of the indicator. *-s, \--line-uses-inside*:: Use the color of the inside of the indicator for the line separating the inside and outside of the indicator. *-r, \--line-uses-ring*:: Use the outer ring's color for the line separating the inside and outside of the indicator. *--ringcolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of the outside of the indicator when typing or idle. *--ringvercolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of the outside of the indicator when verifying. *--ringwrongcolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of the outside of the indicator when invalid. *--separatorcolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of the lines that seperate highlight segments. *--textcolor* <rrggbb[aa]>:: Sets the color of the text inside the indicator. Authors ------- Maintained by Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com>, who is assisted by other open source contributors. For more information about sway development, see <https://github.com/SirCmpwn/sway>.